不过没有也不怕,由于今日我要跟我们引见一大批网站地图Sitemap生成器,不论你是喜欢还是不喜欢,仍是单纯的使用东西生成后再手动上传到你的网站根目录,或许是说只需要在东西上生成并提交到搜索引擎,下面引见的都可以满意我们的需要。 先来看看原文是如何引见的。
Web Sitemap Generators
The following are links to tools that generate or maintain files in the XML Sitemaps format, an open standard defined on sitemaps.org and supported by the search engines such as Ask, Google, Microsoft Live Search and Yahoo!. Sitemap files generally contain a collection of URLs on a website along with some meta-data for these URLs. The following tools generally generate “web-type” XML Sitemap and URL-list files (some may also support other formats).
Please Note: Google has not tested or verified the features or security of the third party software listed on this site. Please direct any questions regarding the software to the software’s author. We hope you enjoy these tools!
Server-side Programs
- Enarion phpSitemapsNG (PHP)
- Google Sitemap Generator (Linux/Windows, 32/64bit, open-source)
- Outil en PHP (French, PHP)
- Perl Sitemap Generator (Perl)
- Python Sitemap Generator (Python)
- Simple Sitemaps (PHP)
- SiteMap XML Dynamic Sitemap Generator (PHP) $
- Sitemap generator for OS/2 (REXX-script)
- XML Sitemap Generator (PHP) $
CMS and Other Plugins
Downloadable Tools
- GSiteCrawler (Windows)
- GWebCrawler & Sitemap Creator (Windows)
- G-Mapper (Windows)
- Inspyder Sitemap Creator (Windows) $
- IntelliMapper (Windows) $
- Microsys A1 Sitemap Generator (Windows) $
- Rage Google Sitemap Automator $ (OS-X)
- Site Map Pro (Windows) $
- Sitemap Writer (Windows) $
- Sitemap Generator by DevIntelligence (Windows)
- Sorrowmans Sitemap Tools (Windows)
- TheSiteMapper (Windows) $
- Vigos Gsitemap (Windows)
- WebDesignPros Sitemap Generator (Java Webstart Application)
- Weblight (Windows/Mac) $
- WonderWebWare Sitemap Generator (Windows)
Online Generators/Services
- AuditMyPc.com Sitemap Generator
- AutoMapIt
- Autositemap $
- Enarion phpSitemapsNG
- Free Sitemap Generator
- Neuroticweb.com Sitemap Generator
- ROR Sitemap Generator
- ScriptSocket Sitemap Generator
- SeoUtility Sitemap Generator (Italian)
- SitemapDoc
- Sitemapspal
- SitemapSubmit
- Smart-IT-Consulting Google Sitemaps XML Validator
- XML-Sitemaps Generator
CMS with integrated Sitemap generators
Google News Sitemap Generators
The following plugins allow publishers to update Google News Sitemap files, a variant of the sitemaps.org protocol that we describe in our Help Center. In addition to the normal properties of Sitemap files, Google News Sitemaps allow publishers to describe the types of content they publish, along with specifying levels of access for individual articles. More information about Google News can be found in our Help Center and Help Forums.
Code Snippets / Libraries
上面介绍的工具,博客Wordpress程序的Sitemap网站地图生成器的插件,有对于CMS的,也有对于Shopping Cart购物车程序的,有一些不需要安装,只需要在网上提交网址即可生成网站地图Sitemap的,反正你能够想到的,想不到的,这里都有。如果还没有生成自己的网站地图的话,那就赶快去生成一个,然后提交到各大搜索引擎,这样对于网站的收录是非常好的~!很方便对站点各个页面的收录~!
@蓬勃主机 多看看这个有帮助哦!
@蓬勃主机 咱们交换个友链嘛?
@愚蠢的凡人 嗯,可以加快收录文章的速度