German friend,i'm a boy who chats with you today Because you lose a line,I can't contact you,If you want contact me if you see the article,please leave a message in the article.Thanks.
You: Are u a Chinese?
Stranger: no 😀
You: oh,where r u ?
Stranger: germany, you?
You: i am a chinese
Stranger: which city? 🙂
You: Beijing
Stranger: ahhh 🙂
You: What do you think of China
Stranger: big country 😉
Stranger: good food
Stranger: 😛
You: oh,i don’t think so
You: that’s only a part of China
You: Although i’m a Chinese, But I don’t really love her.
Stranger: what’s only a part of china?
You: You say just now
You: for example, good food…
Stranger: yeah?
Stranger: and who do you don’t love?
You: There are many Corrupt officials people
Stranger: i know
You: China government
Stranger: yeah, are you allowed to say that?
You: because of that,Chinese people don’t have free Internet world
Stranger: is it illegal to say that the government is corrupt?
You: Let’s change a topic
Stranger: ok 😀
Stranger: how old are you? 😀
You: 15
You: It
You: it was my birthday ten days ago
Stranger: congratulations 😀
You: How about you/?
Stranger: 16, birthday in april
You: oh,it’s cool!
You: I am a boy
You: and you?
Stranger: me too
You: Can you give me your email adress?
Stranger: why?
You: I want to improve my English .
You: And you also can do
Stranger: well i’m not a native speaker 😀
You: I know
You: So we both can improve our English skills。
Stranger: i dont like to give away my personal data on the internet
You: oh,sorry, i don;t know
You: it’s my mistake。
Stranger: that’s fine 🙂
Stranger: so, what are you hobbies?
You: I should respect for your personal
You: hum.. Internet,
You: Website
Stranger: 😀
You: I have my onw website
You: I love Internet
Stranger: can you send me a link? 😀
You: www.lscx.org
You: It’s all Chinese
Stranger: i see 😀
Stranger: anything else. do you do sport?
You: yes
Stranger: what?
You: but now , i have too much homework to do
You: so i dont have enough time to do exercise
You: You know ,Chinese students have lots of homework
Stranger: 😉
You: I used to do exercise
Stranger: that’s ok 🙂
You: I love sports.
Stranger: i play football
You: oh it’s cool
You: l love it,too
Stranger: great 😀
You: I am the member of the school football team
You: How do you feel about that English is easy to learn?
You: ??? What are you doing ?
You: ???
You: ??
Stranger is typing.. (他掉线了)
有兴趣的童鞋可以去 http://www.omegle.com/
oh my god!我居然看不懂。。。
上次我跟一个在俄罗斯留学的韩国首尔的妹纸,聊了好多天.她还专门为我创建了Email, 哈哈
@安奇(为啥不能写两个字) 嗯,留学就是好,但是你的俄语水平也不错吧?
我博客PR=2 Alexa=720,869 博客存活9个月,文章154篇 90%原创
博客情况:Name:棉裤 Domain:Mkpaz.com 注解:关注个人独立博客商业化
@FROYO @FROYO : 这年头遇到妹子很不容易啊
@FROYO @FROYO : 你应该仔细看看有英文的呀~
@露水晨曦 @露水晨曦 : 我这眼神啊,拉出去枪毙10分钟
@FROYO @FROYO : 没事,估计那哥们没来~
爲什麽他不說德語- –
@飛天鼠 @飛天鼠 : 人家学英语的了
❓ 我的英语在做试卷的时候完全垃圾……在聊天的时候还是能说站得住脚的~
@花七七 @花七七 : 来来,咱俩聊一发,上Q
囧……这是2级英语 🙄
@花七七 @花七七 : 。。。
@花七七 @花七七 : 这是专业8级好么。。。
💡 .。。还是在德国朋友的面前给天朝点面子嘛~~
@布谷网 @布谷网 : 呵呵,壮哉我大天朝! 😥 😥 😥 😥
@露水晨曦 @露水晨曦 : 呃 ❗
我以为你跟他说德语 😡
@愚蠢的凡人 @愚蠢的凡人 : 德语我是一点也不懂
@露水晨曦 @露水晨曦 : 我也以为是……
@花七七 @花七七 : 我了个晕, 你咋成了KFC大叔了?
@露水晨曦 @露水晨曦 : 你的Gravatar缓存没及时更新……
@电脑爱好者 @电脑爱好者 : 中国就是以吃而闻名嘛 China is famous for Food…
@黄伟鹏 @黄伟鹏 : 我小学几乎对英语一敲不通,但到了初中就不同了 ❗
不是说omegle上面没几个正经儿人吗? 以前加qq加到一个西班牙和美国的混血女孩儿,还视频过,但是后来不小心被我删除了。。。。。现在想想也挺遗憾的
@你好先森 @你好先森 : 呵呵,遇到正经人就不错了,你还能遇到一个女孩,真是万幸! 😈
英语是我心中的桶。。 😡
@三号博客 @三号博客 : 呵呵,刚刚学习英语肯定会有这种感觉
为什么我遇到的德国人都是基佬 😕
说道德语 他们的再见真的是去死 Tschüs
@Louis @Louis : 。。。嗯,这真巧
话说博主跟德国小子聊的很欢哪 呵呵 😮 😮
@淮海巷 @淮海巷 : 是啊~
@Junan @君安 : omegle.com
哈哈~~外国人都跟你聊上了~~佩服! 😉
@candy、 @candy、 : 只是omegle全球随机聊天网
@湖畔楼阁 @湖畔楼阁 : 外国人都很注重自己的隐私,我给他们要邮箱,他们都不给
@露水晨曦 @露水晨曦 : 我们也要好好保护自己的隐私啊,虽然这个ZF真的是什么都不做的
@Gavin @加文 : 平时多努努力,其实英语不难
@ixwebhosting @ixwebhosting : 这是英语,OK?
@湖畔楼阁 @湖畔楼阁 : 正解
我看不懂 – 有意见么